This Man Traveled To North Korea 6 Times And Illegally Published These Insane Photos


This photo is of the hotel complex in Kaesong near the de-militarized zone (DMZ). At night, citizens are locked into this hotel complex that is made of old houses

It allows the guards to question why citizens near the DMZ would want to leave- because the hotel complex looks similar to surrounding towns.


North Koreans lining up to visit monuments on one of the days of the annual Kimjongilia festival.

The Kimjongilia flower was named after Kim Jong-Il, Kim Jong-Un’s father, and predecessor. This festival is celebrated every year for several days, starting on the anniversary of Kim Jong-Il’s birth. All businesses and agencies are expected to enter a Kimjongilia flower into a national contest.


This photo was taken in one of Pyongyang’s 2 grocery stores, reserved for the very wealthy.

Things are sold in both the North/South Korean currency, “wons,” and in the European currency, “Euros.” They even sell Evian water.