People Reveal The Craziest Rules In Their Workplace They Actually Had To Follow


If you are stuck in traffic on the way to work, you must email the CEO. Phone calls and texts are not permitted, only email.


Had a workplace time our bathroom breaks and deduct them from our allotted 15 minute breaks or lunch. We had to go see the office manager to get a key to open the restroom. As soon as we left his office he would start a timer… when you got back he would stop the timer and tell you how much time you needed to deduct from your lunch or next break. They watched our breaks like a hawk.

Also, if you made a mistake they would stand over you and time you while you fixed it and deduct that from your lunch or breaks.

You couldn’t bring anything “that smells” for lunch and they had no way of heating anything up.

I worked out my contract and split.


Business casual dress code even when i work at home. (They skype me to check)