when ur man all of the sudden acting all cute & shit & u start thinkin bout what his stupid ass did now pic.twitter.com/18tRKizOaL
— b. (@nottyourhyna) February 25, 2017
When someone talk shit about me vs when they talk shit about my man pic.twitter.com/qxQyBLVHgs
— KING ♚ ? (@_flawlessmami) February 18, 2017
When he says "ok fuck it" to the 123rd time you said "nothing's wrong" when u were going to tell him what's actually wrong on the 127th time pic.twitter.com/1CdnBb4MIS
— ?Litty City? (@Xian_Bell) February 9, 2017
when u hear ur phone vibrate and u check it and it's a new message from the person u love and care about and want to talk all the time pic.twitter.com/mS1xgPBX0J
— isabel (@liltinyisabel) March 3, 2017