People Confess Common Things They’ve Never, Ever Done

Well good for you!

Smoked a cigarette.

A lot of my friends smoke when they go out to the bars or at a wedding. Half of my family smoked. Knowing how much of an addictive personality my family has, I haven’t even held a lit cigarette.

You are missing out. Its delicious.

Haven’t drank coffee.

No drugs for you.

Weed. Cigarettes make me sick to my stomach, and the smell of weed at concerts is enough to make my chest tighten and make me feel like I’m going to start throwing up. Seems like almost everyone I talk to has smoked weed.

Lets hope you will someday.

Holding hands with a girl.

Pool is a lot safer than the ocean.

Swam, we went with the school to learn when I was a child and I just couldn’t go in.