Henry Cavill’s Mustache Was Digitally Removed In ‘Justice League’ And It Kinda Hurts To Look At

The following is a picture of beautiful British actor Henry Cavill. You may know him as Superman from Man of Steel. You may remember him as Theseus, from Immortals. You may also know him from trailers of the new Justice League film. You probably don’t know him from anything else.

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If you are in of Henry Cavill’s 4 million followers, you’ll know a couple of things about him. First of all, he has an adorable smiley Akita named Kal. Second of all, he went from no mustache to YES mustache over the course of the last year or so.

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And what a mustache it is! He’s been growing it out for the new Mission Impossible: 6 (I don’t know why they keep making them either, the logic of Hollywood has been beyond me lately) film being released next year and he somehow looks even better than usual.

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But here’s the thing. The shooting schedules for the two films overlapped and Paramount told Cavill he couldn’t shave his mustache. Instead— in yet another example of really sensible Hollywood logic— Warner Brothers had to spend “approximately $25 million” digitally removing Cavill’s mustache from the film. Why not make Paramount pay for it? Why not just let Clark Kent wear the mustache as a better disguise than just plain old glasses? Most pressing of all, why not have Paramount apply a fake mustache, ultimately making for a far more believable Henry Cavill than the one playing Clark Kent with a CGI-mangled upper lip? 

This CGI-mangled upper lip:

The same CGI-lip that has been a topic of much consternation and confusion on social media.