25 Times Blake Lively Was The Funnier One In The Relationship

19. That time in high school when she was super athletic:

I've always been impressively athletic…

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18. The time she promoted The Shallows with this picture:

…Ok ok Your Royal Highness. It's coming!! (Good gracious ?!) Just one more week. #TheShallows

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17. The time she MacGyvered a pair of “socks”:

When you wear heels to work but wish you just had a cozy pair of socks, but don't. So you make your own.

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16. The time she said what we were all thinking:

#repost @newyorkercartoons

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15. The time she forgot what side of her face her mole was on:

Self portrait. Suck it Picasso. #TooBadIForgotWhichSideMyMoleIsOnHashtagGenius

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14. The time she had to concede her older sister definitely wore it better (go Teen Witch!):

Who wore it bett..SHUT-UP!! We all know Teen Witch wins. Always. All ways.

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13. The time she wished Ryan a Happy Father’s Day…and said he was most likely the father:

12. The time she was Beauty AND the Beast:

When you're compared to Beauty AND the Beast. ???? …at the same time. ???

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11. The time she advocated for giving that bear a break: