27 Guys Reveal The Things Girls Do That Make Their Interest Level Drop Instantly

11. From user redditttor1

Mine is when she makes plans and promises you didn’t even ask for, then backs out at the last moment.

12. From user trwu00

When she keeps referencing her ex. Nothing says “You are only here to fill in the void” more than her constantly reminding you she had someone before you.

13. From user Zadqiel

Expects me to make all the moves in establishing the relationship. Reciprocity makes the World turn.

14. From user GrillPenetrationUnit

annoying voice. I don’t care if she is the most beautiful woman on Earth, if she has a stupid voice i can’t even be in the same room without internally screaming.

15. From user 10lubak

“I don’t have to know that, I’m a girl.”