Woman Discovers the Guy She’s Flirting With is in Jail

A terrible Valentine’s Day surprise.

Flirting through text is a funny thing. You just never know where those messages on the other end are coming from.

In Alannah from Kentucky’s particular case, she took to Twitter to share the moment she came to a similar realization about the guy flirting with her on Instagram. After receiving an instant message she decided to check out his photos, as one does, and began to notice there was something unusual about his photographs.


So apparently he was in jail. But just because you’re in jail doesn’t mean you can’t flirt, right?

Fortunately enough the Twitterverse came out in full support of this guy’s methods, and even praised his dedication.

As it happens, the guy was in fact on work release — which certainly explains having the phone.

Well if anything, you’ve got to hand it to the guy — he’s certainly got determination.