In life, we’re taught that there are no “stupid questions.” But, when you’re a teacher, sometimes some questions are just plain dumb. You know, when kids ask you thinks that are pretty damn obvious and can also be Googled pretty easily – because all teacher know you’re using your phone in your lap, kids. Thanks to Reddit, some teachers, friends of teachers and fellow students gave us the “stupidest” questions they’ve ever heard.
1. fakeeric:
Sex Ed Class: Is Breast milk 1% or 2%?
2. purdue_pete33:
Not a teacher, but in my senior year of high school I was in a personal finance class. The teacher explained that not paying your taxes could get you incarcerated. Student: “So if you don’t pay your taxes, the government will light you on fire?!” Teacher: “No, incarcerated means to imprison. You’re thinking of incinerated.” Student: “Oh. Wait, then what’s taxidermy?”
3. republiccommando1138:
“How old was the average 18 year old in 1942?”
He then managed to forget he was wearing his own glasses and asked everybody where they were