Snoop Dogg Just Went Savage AF on Rob Kardashian For The Whole World To See

Since Rob Kardashian has decided to air his dirty laundry out in the open for the entire world to see, people are going straight savage on him. Besides the fact that he just secured what everyone else has already been saying for years about his fiancé Blac Chyna, he’s made himself look like a complete and total fool by violating the law after sharing nude images of her.

Rob Kardashian took to his Instagram and Twitter page this week to tell everyone that Blac Chyna has been cheating on him, using him for his money and doing a whole lot of drugs (probably with his money, too). While everyone is saying “I told you so,” some people feel pretty bad for little Robbie – it sucks to be dogged like that, especially in public.

But, there are some people who cannot help but say – you’re making yourself look like a total idiot, Robert.

People like the one and only Snoop Dogg.

Snoop took to his Instagram after the whole sha-bang went down on social media with some words of wisdom for young Robbie – calling him a Sucker.


Sucker shit adds up to this ??‍♂️??

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But, Snoop didn’t stop there, he kept on going – by dedicating a hilarious song to him.

Song for rob ???????

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Too f*cking funny.

While you may hate the Kardashians, you have to admit, their drama sure brings out the best in everyone else.