If there’s one thing in the world that I’m afraid of, it’s wild animals breaking into my house. Living in New York City, I really don’t have to worry much about that. But, if I were ever staying anywhere close to the wilderness or when I’m down south (shout out to the Texas family!) I actually fear that I will wake up and an animal will be hovering over me in bed.
You know, like a coyote or something.
Or, a snake.
Like this one, brave AF woman, who discovered there was a snake in her house. Seriously – can you think of anything more traumatizing than a slithering, poisonous snake just slithering on your floor? No.
SunShine McCurry lives in North Carolina – which, of course, has more wildlife roaming around than New York City. She discovered that there was a huge f*cking snake slithering around her home. But, unlike me, who would probably cry like a little girl – she picks up the snake with a pillowcase and releases it into the wild.
You heard me – I said a pillowcase.
It turns out, the snake was about 5-6 feet long – which is basically your average human lying down.
No. Big. Deal.
Kudos to you SunShine – because you have some serious balls.
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