Your Favorite Childhood Game Is Making An Epic Comeback

Everyone is at risk.

Remember when you were younger and you would play the most ridiculous games? You actually used your imagination (because you actually had one before cell phones) and made life absolutely fun no matter where you were.

Cue: The Floor Is Lava – our favorite, ridiculous childhood game.

The rules of the games are as follows:

Someone tells you the floor is lava. They count down from 5 – giving you 5 seconds to get off the floor and escape onto the nearest object, place, table, chair – basically anything that isn’t the floor. When we were younger, it was easy because we were so tiny and it was hilarious. But, now the Internet has brought the epic game back and it’s become even funnier because, lets face it, we’re all huge and awkward and make fools of ourselves no matter where we are.

I’d like to personally thank Kevin Freshwaster and Jahannah James for bringing this classic back into the world. Also, they are amazing at it.

When ever I hang out with @jahannahjames we play “The Floor is lava” ??

A post shared by Kevin Freshwater (@kevinfreshwater) on

Since these two have brought this classic back, people are catching on.

Make sure to challenge your friends – only in the most awkward places possible!