Being pregnant can be a beautiful and incredible experience for women.
While bringing life into the world is a moving experience, there are those moments when you feel so big, bloated, and swollen that you regret ever getting knocked up in the first place (for like half-a-second because you truly love your child deep down inside). BuzzFeed asked their users to share photos of what pregnancy is really like and any mommy will relate on a deep, deep level.
For me, (the end of) pregnancy was wearing tennis shoes and leggings to my typically business casual job every day and putting my feet up every chance I got!
Tired, hungry and SO over being pregnant
my sole thought at 39 weeks pregnant:
this was 1 week past my due date, the day before my induction sitting on an exercise ball refusing to wear pants anymore.
Here I am at seven months pregnant sleeping in the space between the couch and the coffee table.
8 months pregnant = motorized cart at the store ?? #dontlookatmyankles
Pregnancy feet vs. normal feet.
Pregnancy and pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPS) rash. Unglamorous side of pregnancy
When you have to wear your husband’s size 13 shoes to work because that’s the only thing that will fit over your feet. 12 pounds gained in 6 days because of fluid retention.
When everything hurts but you can’t take any drugs… That’s an ice pack on my hip and a hot rice sock on my knee
Had to cut the ring off because my fingers were so swollen