20+ Pictures That’ll Make Any Woman With A Lovably Infuriating Boyfriend Cackle Uncontrollably

15. The boyfriend who is being unreasonable:

14. And the one who cracked the code:

13. The boyfriend who really took care of his girl:

12. And the one who is (rightfully) confused by Twitter:

11. The yodeler:

10. The boyfriend who knows he’s got a good thing:

9. Ditto.

Best Birthday cake ever ? #funnyhusband #lovehim

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8. The boyfriend of this uncultured swine:

7. And the one who wants his girlfriend to throw back the bouquet:

6. The 10-year-old:

5. The poet:

4. The MacGyver:

3. The husband who rules at shopping:

2. And the one who doesn’t:

1. The husband who knows exactly who he is and is not: