Woman Almost Rents A New House Until Her Husband Notices Something Truly Messed Up

When you look at new homes/apartments, sometimes there are small details that you just fall in love with. For example, when looking at apartments, I was so impressed by how big the closet was in one of them, that I neglected to realize the floors were slanted (I mean like if you dropped a marble on the wood floors it would roll down to one side of the house).
It seems as though I’m not alone. Turns out, when women see a home they love, they neglect to realize small details, too. The small details, however, can be pretty damn big in the long-run. One author, Olivia A. Cole, shared a long-winded saga of house hunting with her husband, who discovered some tiny details that paint a big picture.

If this doesn’t seem creepy enough, it gets even weirder from there…