People Are Freaking Out That ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ Is Leaving Netflix For Good

If you ask any Millennial what their favorite past time is, it’s staying home on a Friday night with a ton of sh*tty UberEats/Seamless/Postmates and binge-watching their favorite shows on Netflix or Hulu. For years, Netflix has been able to score contracts housing some of the best shows on TV to date. But, every month, they disappoint us when they decide to hit us with the “list of shows they’re taking off the streaming service” because – if I want to watch Nathan Scott shoot threes in my underwear while eating day-old Chinese food, I damn well should be able to for $10/month, Netflix.

The streaming service seems to be getting rid of some classic shows and series and swapping them out for more original content. But, their original content is usually a hit or a miss. Some shows are great – like Stranger Things, House of Cards and Ozarks. But, others fall pretty short of the stick and I’m left saying – meh.

Recently, the streaming service announced that they will no longer be housing the deadpan comedy classic “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia.” The show is set to drop off the service by December 8th this year. Outlets have reported that the show has now signed exclusive rights to Hulu to air the show, which is one of Netflix’s biggest competitors, so, obviously it’ll be pulled from the library.

While I thought my boyfriend was overreacting when he said he was canceling his Netflix subscription (he actually threatened this), I came online to find that not only was he mad, but the rest of the world was fuming over the fact that Netflix has decided to let this one go.