35 Memes Every Semi-Adult Will Laugh, Then Cry At by Lex Gabrielle 31. Right? A post shared by #20SomethingProblems (@20somethingproblems) on Oct 20, 2017 at 7:11am PDT 32. If someone told me this I would have gone to TOWN on a job at 10 years old instead of running around playing 'the spice girls' with the neighborhood kids (I was baby spice duh) (@mystylesays @mytherapistsays) A post shared by #20SomethingProblems (@20somethingproblems) on May 2, 2017 at 4:23pm PDT 33. 34. #ad Honestly, I would be so rich. Why do I still own clothes from 15 years ago?! In honor of #NationalSavingsDay, I’m going to start saving money like I save all of my stuff. Do you save stuff too? It’s your lucky day! ?Enter #CapitalOne’s #ShareMySave #contest for a chance to win $10,000! Just share a pic of a meaningful item and why it’s so special to you on Instagram or Twitter. Be sure to include #ShareMySave and #contest in your entry! https://capitalonesharemysave.com/en-us/rules (no purchase necessary) A post shared by #20SomethingProblems (@20somethingproblems) on Oct 12, 2017 at 3:42pm PDT 35. Bitch ya ain't got shit #sitdown #andstaythere #brokeass #brokememes #2016memes #canteven #handlethetruth #cantevenclub A post shared by @cantevenclub on Nov 18, 2016 at 8:45pm PST Page 7 of 7Previous 1234567Next post