On Friday, TMZ announced that Kylie Jenner is “pregnant” with boyfriend Travis Scott’s baby. The news broke on on Friday afternoon after the website published an article about the pregnancy – and, of course, the Internet went wild with the information. In mere moments, every single news source across the web completely ignored the fact that there were hurricanes and earthquakes happening around the globe and focused on the uterus of a 20-year-old starlet – but, hey, ‘Merica.
While no reps have confirmed the news – numerous “sources” close to the family have told numerous media outlets that the pregnancy was “unexpected” but both Kylie and Travis are “excited about the news.”
Of course – people were waiting around for mom and manager Kris Jenner to say a few kind words about her youngest daughter and her womb, so, here it is, folks.
On Saturday morning, Kris Jenner was at Bottega Veneta and The Cut asked about the pregnancy news – obviously. Her response? Pretty f*cking confusing, if you ask me.
I just woke up this morning. She’s not confirmed anything. I think it’s kind of wild that everyone is just assuming that that’s just happening.
So, she’s not denying it, or confirming it – which means, that womb may still be occupied.
Kylie Jenner is pregnant? That baby already has a brighter future than me and my hair and it's not even born yet ffs
— BRONNIE? (@BronnieMusic) September 23, 2017