9 Surprising Facts You Definitely Didn’t Know About The Titanic


There is no explanation as to why the drill was canceled, but ironically, the crew was not prepared to handle such a situation. If they had conducted the drill sooner, it could have saved many lives and helped people be better prepared for what to do and how to act in such a situation.


Like many newspapers after a major story breaks – they f*cked up. The day after the Titanic sank – on April 15th – the April 16th newspapers reported that there were no casualties after the sinking of the ship. They also reported all passengers were taken off. Obviously, they were completely off in numbers.


As many people saw in the film – Jack died from freezing waters in the ocean. According to research, the water was around 28 degrees below freezing. That means, people were stuck swimming in ice-cold freezing water. After scientists did the math – many could not have survived more than 15-20 minutes swimming in such waters. But, we still believe that there was more than enough room for Jack and Rose on that door – sorry.