23 ‘Cuffing Season’ Jokes That’ll Make You Laugh ‘Til It Hurts

Guess what time it is – that’s right guys – summer is officially coming to an end and men everywhere are preparing their loins for the season we know as “cuffing season.” For all you noobs out there that have no idea what cuffing season is – let me inform you. Every year, when the calendar hits Fall/Winter, people everywhere are scrambling to find themselves a cuddle boo. That’s right, in the summer time – we all want to sleep with anything and everything we want. But, come the cold weather, we just want to be held. So, everyone rushes to “cuff” someone up seriously – until – May. Then, when summer hits, we’re single and ready to mingle once more. Millennials – they suck.

But, if you’re single and not looking forward to cuffing season or – single and scouting out the troops – I’m sure you’ll laugh at these ruthless jokes.


