It’s That Time Of Year For Your Favorite Meme

Throwback Jams!

Every year around the same time (basically, the last week of April) the people of the Internet band together to throw it back to a simpler time in life. Remember the days of boy bands and crazy hairstyles, catchy songs and killer dance moves? Who can forget the battle of NSYNC, The Backstreet Boys and 98 Degrees?

Incase you forgot, NSYNC was always #1.

Regardless, even if you disagree, there is no denying that NSYNC’s past hit “It’s Gonna Be Me.” If you forgot – or you’re too young to remember – I’ll remind you.

Along the way, someone – some genius that loves humanity – realized that it sounds like these 90’s heartthrobs were not only saying “It’s gonna be me,” but also “It’s gonna be MAY.”

That’s right – April showers bring May flowers and today is officially May 1st. Which, of course, means the Internet has prepared itself for the slew of JT memes and GIFs that we can’t live without.

This is by far the best one though.

Happy May!