45 Ways You’re Ruining Your Own Life

You need to cut it.

1. Expecting too much from other people.

2. Wanting instant gratification instead of being patient.

3. Not investing in yourself.

4. Allowing fear to hold you back.

5. Constantly comparing yourself to other people.

6. Staying in relationships past their expiration date.

7. Staying in friendships past their expiration date.

8. Overthinking everything you do.

9. Stressing over things you cannot change.

10. Saying “no” to things you would rather say “yes” to.

11. Saying “yes” to things you would rather say “no” to.

12. Allowing anyone to make you love yourself less.

13. Not listening to your gut.

14. Holding grudges from the past.

15. Not spending enough time with your family.

16. Becoming consumed with materialism.

17. Revolving your life around social media.

18. Having seriously important conversations over text message and DM’s.

19. Allowing anyone to take advantage of you.

20. F*cking up your priorities to please someone else.

21. Believing what people say about others instead of making your own judgement.

22. Accepting failure as an option.

23. Changing who you are to “fit in.”

24. Allowing worries to consume your state of mind.

25. Not thinking important decisions through.

26. Taking care of your health.

27. Becoming too attached to your phone.

28. Giving up on your dreams.

29. Wasting your energy on situations that will not matter in the future.

30. Beating yourself up over mistakes you’ve made.

31. Not learning from mistakes you’ve made.

32. Thinking you should have it all figured out by now.

33. Settling for anything less than you deserve.

34. Talking badly about people behind their backs.

35. Getting involved in other people’s business/life.

36. Not spending enough time getting to know yourself.

37. Forgetting where you came from.

38. Becoming too attached to people, places and things.

39Wasting money on things you do not need.

40Staying in your comfort zone.

41. Never taking the opportunity to explore and travel.

42. Trying to please everyone else but forgetting to please yourself.

43. Constantly relying on someone else for your happiness.

44. Playing the victim.

45Not living with an open-mind.