Penis Unicorn Leggings Are The Latest Thing, Because Of Course They Are

2017 is the year of new trends.

2017 seems to be the year of ridiculous and wild fashion trends online. Between male rompers and fake hairy chest swimsuits for women – I almost can’t keep up with the wild ideas people are creating.

While those caused immense controversy throughout the web-i-sphere, a new trend has surfaced that basically sh*ts on everything else – because it’s that insane.

Penis Unicorn Leggings.

You read that correctly, someone created leggings that have penises in the form of unicorns.

An Austin, Texas artist came up with these bad boys and for the magical price of $50, you can rock penises in public – the dream. Sarah Morningstar, who is the mind behind the product, describes her art work and style as “Lisa Frank on crack.”

In terms of these bright, penis-filled leggings, she says:

“With everything heavy that’s happening right now, the human spirit needs a break, a chance to remind us of what’s so awesome about life. So unicorn everything? Hell yeah, bring it on. And that includes how magical a good peen can be.”

So, what do you think of these? Would you rock them?