These 8 Conspiracy Theories Will Scare The Sh*t Out Of You


Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory. Theories like the Mandela Effect and theories explained on Youtube channels, such as Shane Dawson, have been blowing up the internet. Here are a few of my favorite theories that will scare the living crap out of you.


1. The theory that we are all just a simulation. 

When I first heard about this theory, I didn’t believe it. But after doing some digging, it is definitely one more thing that keeps me up at night. The theory that we are all a simulation is guided by the idea that our technology has come such a long way in a such a short period of time. The theory goes that there was a civilization of people that have already gotten as far as to make a simulation that is so realistic the people in the game (the people being us) don’t realize that they are a simulation. This theory is constantly discussed and can give an explanation to phonemes such as déjà vu.

2. Contrails are a method used to control us. 

I’m not totally sure I believe this one, but it is scary to say the least. You know those aircraft trails you see in the sky almost everyday? Well theory goes that those the government is using these aircrafts to secrete a chemical into the atmosphere to control the people. The chemicals would affect how we feel, think and act. Though many scientists disapprove this theory, it is a theory that is taken very seriously. Celebrities such as Prince have spoken up about this theory.

3. The Denver Airport is actual hell. 

This is a theory that scared the hell (no pun intended) out of me when I heard it. The theory goes that the Denver Airport is actually hell and one the headquarters for the Illuminati. I know it sounds ridiculous, but when you look at the evidence, it’s hard to argue against it. The murals found around the airport depict horror scenes and they say that when you look at the runways from a bird’s eye view, they create what very much looks to be a swatstika. There is many references to the Illuminate all throughout the airport and even underground tunnels. When creating the airport, they went over budget by $2 billion dollars! I wonder what all that money went into.

4. We are all going to die in 2017. 

Nostradamus was the 16th century philosopher who had predicted many world events that have come true so far. Nostradamus predicted the rise of Hitler, the French Revolution and 9/11. He has predicted the rise of a leader who is “shameless.” Nostradamus writes, ““The false trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws. From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards” (Century I: 40). Nostradamus also predicts that during the year of 2017, we will have a “Hot War” over global warming and declining resources that, in the end, will kill us all.

5. Black Eyed Children. 

For scares, this theory really takes the cake. There is a legend of black eyed children going around and terrorizing people. The experiences people have are frightening and chilling to say the least. One story tells of a man in his car writing a check and soon realizing two hooded kids were standing by his car window when they knocked. The man rolled his window down and a feeling of dread washed over him, a feeling common to those that have had experiences with the children. The kids removed their hoods and asked for a ride home. When the man refused, the kids got more aggressive with their tone of voice and ordered the man to give them a ride home. The man instinctively reached to unlock the door, but stopped himself before doing so. That’s when the man looked up to notice the kids had eyes that were pitch black with no iris or white. The man quickly took off and when he looked back the kids were gone. Stories of the black eyed children have been circulating for centuries and are still told to this day.

6. Project Blue Beam. 

The theory of Project Blue Beam revolves around NASA and their attempt of starting a new religion that involved worshiping of the anti-Christ. Serge Monast, a journalist, first brought this theory to light when he published the book Project Blue Beam. Monast states that the only way to create a new age religion is to create a global dictatorship. In the book he creates a trail of events which Nasa would take to create this new religion. They would first start by discrediting all existing religions by creating natural disasters, such as massive Earthquakes, and then uncover new evidence to lead people to wrong meanings of religious text. Secondly, NASA would create a hologram which would be Godlike and speak of following this new religion in order to reach Heaven. Third, Nasa would use technology in the form of low radio frequencies to telepathically communicate with people to reinforce this religion. And in the last step, Nasa would create disastrous events, such as alien invasions, to force people to follow their new world religion.

7. Donald Trump wasn’t running to win. 

This theory, though not particularly scary, is one of the most interesting. The theory states that Donald Trump was only running for president to help out his old pal Hillary. The plan was to make himself sound almost crazy so that the chances of Hillary winning would increase. At the start of the election, a woman signing up to help out the Trump team was handed a contract that read that the goal of the election was to come in second. As the Trump started to win however, many theorists believe the power got to his head and actually created the monster he was pretending to be.

8. Conspiracy theories are.. well.. conspiracy theories. 

Though this may seem a bit confusing and entering into the world of Inception, this theory may make the most sense. It has been proven that when things don’t go the way you planned or initially wanted, conspiracy theories are created to help your brain make sense of what is happening. If your favorite celebrity dies for instance, your brain creates theories to fill in spots to make it easier to cope with reality. Its almost trying to connect the dots between events that are not meant to be connected.


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