11 Things That Happen To You When You Stop Having Sex

If you’ve ever been through a sexual dry spell or are currently in the midst of one now, you may be asking yourself a few questions. Will my vagina shrivel up and die? Is there a reason I’m sleeping less and dreaming more? And most importantly, will I ever get laid again? We’ve got answers! Except for that last one. That’s on you. Here is what goes down when you stop having sex:


1. Your Immune System Weakens

Researchers at Pennsylvania’s Wilkes University found that people who have sex on the reg have a higher concentration of antibodies than those who do not. Turns out sex boosts your immune system, whereas lack of it weakens it. Physiologically, doctors believe sexual activity causes a woman’s body to promote immunity in order to help conceive successfully.

2. Your Vagina Does NOT Tighten

Contrary to popular belief, lack of sex does not make a woman “tighter” nor is it possible for her to re-grow a hymen and become a virgin again. However, a drop in lubrication can occur after a long dry spell. Don’t worry, though. Your body is smart and will remember how to do what it needs to do.

3. Dudes Are More Likely To Experience Continued E.D.

Failing to get an erection will only fuel the inability to get an erection. In other words, the less sex a man has, the more likely he is to suffer from erectile dysfunction. Like anything else, the penis is a muscle and must be exercised in order to function at its full capacity.

It’s a mental thing, too. Relationship expert April Masini tells Medical Daily, “The more often you have sex, the more confident you become about having it—both your own ability, and the ability of the relationships in which you’re having the sex.”

To make matters worse, your penis can actually shrink if you don’t do anything to maintain a regular erection. Says Dr.Tobias Kohler, “Without regular erections, penile tissue can become less elastic and shrink, making the penis 1-2 centimeters shorter.”

Oh! The risk of prostate cancer also rises. Sorry 🙁

4. You May Experience Higher Levels Of Stress

There is a definite link between lower blood pressure and sex. A 2006 study in the Biological Psychology Journal found people who had sex frequently experienced lower stress and anxiety baseline levels, meaning things that usually infuriated them would infuriate them less if they recently got laid.